Dishaank app – A complete guide on how to use

Dishank app is a mobile application that shows the survey number for the user’s present location in Karnataka. This is a handy tool for real estate buyers in Karnataka who want to make an informed decision about their purchase. With Dishank, they can easily find out if a property is on government land or if there are any disputes associated with it

It also allows surveyors to provide input on survey number details and learn more about their plots, such as the owner’s information and the size of their property.

Android users can download the dishaank survey app in the Google Play Store and Apple’s Store. The application is free and downloaded 1M+ times

Dishank App How to USe
Dishaank App – A complete guide on how to use

How DISHAANK APP Works and Why You Need It

In the past, a typical person had no way of knowing whether land being sold to him had belonged to government land or other sellers, or what category it was within.

It was frequently discovered that the area purchased was actually constructed on gov’t, forest, or natural drains only after encroachment removal drives were implemented.

The State of Karnataka launched the Dishank mobile application which broadly means Survey Settlement and area original data Records in Karnataka to enable citizens to tackle the possibility of fraudulent real estate-related transactions and purchases in the state. It was launched in 2018 and services were made public.

The Dishank is a mobile application that has been designed by the Karnataka Revenue department. As they purposes to help people in the state to find information about any plot or sites that are located within the state and make an informed decision

The application also provides details about the ownership of the land, the type of land, any restrictions that have been placed on it, and so on.

The Dishaank App is based on a geo-referenced map of Karnataka, and it is the first state in India to digitize land data maps.

The main aim of the Dishank Application is to help people avoid being cheated when they are buying
real estate assets.

There have been many cases in the past where people have been duped into buying plot that is actually part of a forest or a lake, or a government area.

With Dishaank, people will be able to check all the relevant details about the property before making a purchase and reducing the chance of being cheated. The Dishank App purposes a tool for people who are looking to buy a plot in Karnataka. It is a simple and easy-to-use app, and anyone can access it.

How does DISHAANK APP prevent fraud in real estate?

  • The app takes into account the 1960 maps availability to provide correct information related to the relevant la nd, such as survey numbers, to help you locate relevant area even in areas with little coverage.
  • The real estate application displays the survey number of the land where you are, i.e., the area about which you want further information.
  • You can see what kind of land it is using the applicant, including if it is a road, government possession (owned or leased by the government), rajakaluve (prone to storms), gomala land (meant for agricultural/animal pastures), kharab land (unfit for agriculture), etc.
  • You may even confirm the validity of the site number and survey number on your Khata certificate using this application.

Find out everything you need to know about land with Dishaank!

When you are looking to purchase property in Karnataka, it is important to know what you are getting into. The Dishank app can help you understand the different types of lands in the state and the restrictions that may be placed on them.

✔️ The app will tell you whether the plot you are looking at is government or private property, lake bed, forest, road, rajakaluve, gomal land, etc. It is important to know this so that you can be aware of any potential restrictions on it.

✔️ The application will also provide you with the name(s) of the landowner(s). Learning this can help you confirm that the individual selling you the property is, in fact, the owner.

✔️ You can find out the size of the area via the app as well. This is crucial to know so you can confirm the size of the area matches your expectations.

✔️The app will also tell you whether there are any government restrictions on it. This is important to know so that you can be aware of any potential restrictions.

✔️If there is a court stay on the ground, the app will also let you know. You should be informed of any potential limits on the ground, thus it is crucial to know this. You can find out if the plot has been alienated using the programme. You should be informed of any potential limits on the development, thus it is crucial to know this.

✔️Additionally, the app will inform you if the home you are buying is actually built on the estate. Knowing this will help you to ensure that you are receiving the value for your money.

How to use the dishank app? Step-by-step guide!

  1. Install the app on your smartphone. Get the Application for Android and iOS! Downloads are links below
    For Android: Download here
    For Apple users: Download here
  2. On your phone, enable the GPS setting. If you are on the field where you need to obtain the data for it, it will assist the app to pinpoint your location.
    Dishank app guide step by step

  3. If you open the app, a language selection screen will appear.
    Dishank app is available in both English and Kannada
    Dishank app available in kannada and english

  4. After selection of the language, user need tp register through OTP.
    Name and Phone number is mandatory
    dishank registration

  5. You may notice the blue dot after opening the application. You’re standing there right now. To access the layout or plot’s information, tap on it.
    Blue dot Dishank
    Note: Locate the plot on the Dishaank map and click on it if you want to find out more about a plot or in another region. The land’s survey number can also be used to look up information.
  6. When you tap the location, you will see the details on the land
    Land details using dishank
  7. You need to select SURNOC No and Hissa no, and to get details such as
    main owner
    Landgovt restricted or any stay order on it
    Dishaan app guide

  8. If you would like to know RTC ( Records of the rights, Tenacity and Crops) of the field, then Click RTC
    Dishank RTC

When you click on RTC, The website for online Karnataka land records, Bhoomi, will be redirected to you. You may see the RTC for the premises as it was recorded in the Bhoomi database, which includes area details, owner details, and cultivation facts.

Which will look like this
Dishank RTC Screenshot

The Dishank app is a great resource for Karnataka citizens who want to avoid fraudulent real estate transactions. It’s mandatory to check the details of residential land or plots which are for sale. The app provides access to survey settlement and land authentic data records, which can help users verify the authenticity of a site before making a purchase in the village / city in the Karnataka state

Who Built Dishank app?

IAS official and commissioner of the SSLR department Munish Moudgil came up with a technological remedy for the land records issue.

The Karnataka State Geospatial Information Systems (DGIS) program at Karnataka State Remote Sensing Applications Center (KSRSAC) has developed a mobile application that allows users to access data about land ownership that is stored in the Bhoomi database.

This app’s goal is to make it possible for people to find out who owns the land in question and its restriction, where it is located, etc., hence eliminating conflicts over ownership of land. The Bhoomi database is a repository of land records that is maintained by the Karnataka State Govt.

This database contains maps and information about who owns the land, where it is located, etc. The mobile application developed by the DGIS program allows users to access this information from their mobile phones.

This application is a boon for those who are looking to buy land or those who want to resolve disputes over land ownership. This application will help in increasing transparency and will make it easier for people to find out who owns the land.

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